- Adding E’s and M’s: Improving M. × giganteus performance predictions with observations from commercial fields in diverse environments, (2020-2022).
- Developing monitored, controlled drainage capacity to measure nutrient and water cycling in improved energy crop systems, (2019-2020)
- Long-term Assessment of Miscanthus Productivity and Sustainability (LAMPS), (2018-2019)
- Next-generation feedstocks for the emerging bioeconomy, (2018-2023).
- Perennializing farmed potholes to improve ecosystem services, (2018).
- Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproduct Innovation (CABBI),(2017-2022).
- A model-based assessment of socioeconomic, policy and environmental implications for sustainable bioenergy, (2017-2020)
- Competitive renewal of Miscanthus and Switchgrass Bioenergy Production and Soil Remediation on Marginal and Vulnerable Landscapes, (2014-2016)
- Gene flow networks and potential invasiveness of perennial biofuel grasses (Miscanthus), (2012-2016).
- Miscanthus and Switchgrass Bioenergy Production and Soil Remediation on Marginal and Vulnerable Landscapes, (2012-2014).
- Harnessing Energy Flows in the Biosphere to Build Sustainable Energy Systems, (2011).
- Sustainable Production and Distribution of Bioenergy for the Central USA,( 2011).
- Gene Flow and Fitness studies of Switchgrass: Implications for New Biofuel Crops, (2010).
- Do Companion Crops Make Miscanthus Establishment More Sustainable? (2010)
- Field Evaluation of Cold Tolerant Miscanthus (2010)
- Influence of Alternative Biomass Cropping Systems on Short-term Ecosystem Processes, (2009).
- P and K Fertilizer Response in Miscanthus x giganteus (2009).
- Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership – Herbaceous Bioenergy Crop Field Trials; switchgrass, (2009)
- Incorporating Native Prairies into Working Farm Landscapes, (2009).
- Miscanthus Variety Evaluation, (2008).